"Its enormous." Trunks said quietly, "Lets go." Goten said boosting into the sky, Trunks smirked and followed. "Do you feel that." Goten said to Trunks, Trunks popped his knuckles. Trunks and Goten stood on a mountain watching over the city. Majuub angrily powered up, he had a family now he wasnt losing. She took one last glance and instant transmissioned. Pan gathered both kids, "Dad can I come with you." Sayed Oreul, "No protect your mom and brother." Pan gathered both of the kids and put two of her fingers on her forehead. " she whispered, "don't worry that's why we trained all these years." Majuub whispered back. "Pan take the kids to grandma's house, get them out of here. Pan his wife locked eyes with him for she have felt it to.

"Come on dad! " shouted Frelic happily, suddenly deep in the distance Majuub felt 3 massive power levels. Majuub's other son Frelic laughed as he to pounded the controls. and that! " Majuubs son Oreul said, clicking the keys on his video games. I fear we are not ready." Dende quietly said, He slowly walked back to the center. "How is this possible, these are new enemies. " A small drop of sweat rolled down his right cheek. Coming closer Dende watched from Kami's lookout, "saiyan pods. Vegeta desiring more left Earth for more power, and challenges.ģ saiyan pods entered the earth will enormous power levels. The z fighters vowed to train and become powerful to defend the earth. With Goku's Departure the z fighters were left alone to face the parils that would befall the earth.